Hello fellow bloggers!

Just a quick blog for you all today, I tried coding for the first time ever and to say the least, it was so confusing. Out of the 20 levels there, I only got to level 6 🙁 Even after watching the videos, I just struggled to understand.

This was the final skating move I got at.  I just could not figure out how to get Elsa to skate in squares in a continuous motion! Oh well, maybe next time!

I really enjoyed bringing coding into this lesson. It allowed me to understand just how hard coding is, but also how beneficial it can be to include in the classroom for student learning. Not only just for math, but for science, English, or geometry reasons as well. I will however, have to get better at it first in order to teach it!

Thanks so much for joining me on this learning journey, it has been a wonderful and very beneficial time 🙂