Hi, fellow bloggers!

Today, I sit and wonder: Do we need to re-imagine education? My answer to this question is both yes AND no. Why?

Education is forever evolving. Picture the education system 100 years ago. Curriculum was not even a thing in schools, boys and girls were not treated the same, there were unqualified teachers, little to no hands-on work and so much more that is different from our education today. Is our education system perfect today? Absolutely not. We constantly have to be re-evaluating our education system because if we do not, we will never evolve or grow as a society. After watching the documentary “Most Likely to Succeed”, I realize just how different each around the world school is. There are so many schools with so many different ways of teaching and educating. Imagine if all schools worked together and bounced ideas off of each other. Could we form the perfect school? No school has the perfect education system. There are pros and cons to all ways of teaching. This is why it is SO important to always re-imagine our education system.

This question reminded me of a quote I really appreciate. It is “never forget where you came from, but never lose sight of where you are going” (unknown author). We must never forget how far we have come with our education system, however we must never stop imagining where we can take it.

What do you think?

Laurence (AKA LOBO)