
After 2 months of focusing everyday on practicing “Riptide” by Vance Joy on the Ukulele, it is time to move onto a bigger challenge; I will be learning “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz.

This song is very similar to “Riptide”. It has the same DDU UDU strumming pattern, and also consists of chords C, G, and Am; however, “Im Yours” also consists of an F chord, and also has a D chord used only a couple times. This means that “Im Yours” has a total of 5 chords; which is both exciting and frightening at the same time. For a first time Ukulele player, this is going to be challenging. I want to practice every night before bed -just like I did for Riptide- for 30-45 min segments each time. This means that I will be practicing 3.5 hours to 5 hours a week.

My goal for this song is to improve my posture. During “Riptide”, I had my thumb above the fret board. This time, I want to hold my Ukulele higher up in order to prevent my thumb from rising, and have my thumb behind the fret board. If I achieve this, this will help me switch from chord to chord more efficiently. This will defiantly be challenging, but I am up for the challenge!

I will link the  video I have been watching to get started on my learning journey

See you next time w